What Breed of Dog Is on the Cesar Can
Dog Breeds

All About Dogs
Ten Things You Didn't Know About… Border Collies
Intelligent and energetic, Border collies are champion herders — but they aren't for everyone when it comes to ideal dogs. Here are ten things you may not have known about them. All modern Border collies originate from one dog, Old Hemp, who was born in 1893 and sired over 200 offspring. The name comes right from their origins: The border part comes from where they were initially bred in Northumberland, on the border of Scotland and England; the collie part comes from the Celtic word colley, meaning useful or faithful. Herding dogs originated with the Romans, who brought them
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August 30, 2017 No Comments

All About Dogs
Dog DNA Test: Taking The Guesswork Out Of Your Dog's Breed
Unlike humans, dogs can't tell us about their background, so until very recently figuring out what breeds made up a "mystery mutt" was mostly guesswork based on appearance. But looks can be deceiving — and even in the case of a dog that looks completely like a particular breed, there may be hidden ancestors. You can test your dog's DNA and save $30 off the full price thanks to Cesar and Embark. Just go to their site and use the coupon code CESARDNA. This can be important information to know because some breeds are more inclined than others to have
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June 5, 2017 No Comments

All About Dogs
Top 10 Herding Dog Breeds
The herding group contains some of today's most popular dog breeds. Energetic, intelligent, and highly trainable, these dogs were bred over hundreds of years for their ability to control and move herds of livestock — which is why many people also know them as shepherd dogs. Though this breed group is still a favorite farm dog, the majority of herding dogs today never see a farm animal. Still, many owners may notice their pet's inclination to "herd" their families, particularly small children. And they may become worried about their dog's tendency to urgently nudge or even nip at people. These
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October 27, 2015 No Comments

Cesar Millan
The Most Loyal Breed
Quick — which breed of dog do you think is the most loyal? I asked the Internet this question, via Google, and the number one choice was… the German shepherd. And it was the rough collie. And Great Pyrenees, sheltie, and akita. Maybe if I searched a little wider, I'd find the actual answer, so I asked for the top 10 most loyal dog breeds. I found six lists with 22 different breeds of dogs total, with only the German shepherd, Brittany, and Kuvasz mentioned on almost every list. The German shepherd was the only breed to make every list,
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October 16, 2015 No Comments

All About Dogs
Top 10 Working Dog Breeds
From security to rescue work to law enforcement, many of today's professionals are aided by intelligent, loyal, and physically hardy dogs. A lot of these pups are working dog breeds that have been cultivated over time to perform specialized services where their large size is a benefit. Because of their size, these dogs may be less suitable for some households. Working dogs often become restless without regular work or other forms of mental and physical stimulation. Families who intend to adopt a working breed must train the dog from a young age, although the dog will still require a great
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October 6, 2015 No Comments
13 Top Toy Dog Breeds [Photos]
If you want to adopt a small dog, a good place to start is by researching toy dogs. Smaller dogs offer one important benefit, particularly for first time pack leaders: a 10 pound dog is much easier to control than a 100 pound dog. But don't think that means a small dog will be easier to train — just that less is required of you physically. Dogs in this group are typically good lap warmers, were bred primarily for companionship, and have lower energy levels. However, these aren't characteristics of every breed included in the toy dog category, so it's
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September 30, 2015 No Comments

All About Dogs
14 Top Terrier Breeds Gallery
Terrier Breeds: Feisty, Charismatic, and Full of Mischievous Energy Terriers can be playful pets and enthusiastic companions. Named for the Latin word for the earth, terrier dogs were originally bred to hunt down vermin beneath the ground. Today, many terrier breeds pay homage to their ancestors with their love of digging and exceptional courage and persistence. With a bit of patience and proper training, terriers can become loyal and obedient pets. Training for terrier dogs can be challenging because of their stubbornness and sharp hunting instincts. Short, dynamic sessions that provide these energetic pupils with excitement and mental stimulation often
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September 11, 2015 No Comments
Senior Citizen Canines: Dog Breeds For Mature Pack Leaders
People are always asking Cesar, "Which breed of dog is the right one for me?" His answer to the question is that breed doesn't matter. Energy does. If you want to have a balanced relationship, start with a dog with an energy level the same or lower than yours. However, breed can make some difference if the potential owners have certain physical limitations. You probably shouldn't have a Great Dane if you live in a studio apartment, or a slobbery bulldog if you have allergies. Likewise, as humans age, they may experience changes that can limit whether they can have
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July 4, 2015 No Comments

Have We Overbred Bulldogs?
By Joe Wilkes Bulldog Thoughts I love bulldogs. I don't own one myself, but I have lots of friends that do. In Los Angeles, where I live, they were named the most popular breed by the American Kennel Club, and I can see why. They have lots of personality, are very calm, and don't require a lot of exercise, which makes them a good pick for apartment dwellers. I was surprised to hear last week that Crufts, the world's largest dog show, had taken bulldogs as well as the Westminster winner, the Pekingese, out of competition, because they had failed
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June 18, 2015 No Comments
Korean Jindo
The Korean Jindo is an ancient breed, which originates from the island of Jindo, which is off the southwest coast of Korea. These dogs are mainly used for hunting and guarding. These hunting dogs don't accompany their owners on the trails but rather go hunting on their own and bring the game back by themselves. If the game is too heavy, they will go and find their master and bring them to the exact location of their kill. These dogs are able to find their way home even from extreme distances. There are restrictions in place regarding exports of the
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June 18, 2015 No Comments
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What Breed of Dog Is on the Cesar Can
Source: https://www.cesarsway.com/category/all-about-dogs/breeds/page/3/
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